Saturday, 24 March 2012

The Cows Should Not Be Killed

The Cows Should Not Be Killed
The cow is the mother of all living entities of the earth. In fact the cow is the back bone of human culture. For all the sects be it the Vaishnavas, the Shaktas, the Boudhas or the Sikhas ; cow has been respected, honors and conserved by all from the times immemorial.
It is not just the duty but also the dharma of each human being, irrespective of his Varnashram dharma to consider cows to be divine and protect them to their best capability. Cows is such a visible god who has been showering her divine mercy and grace on human society irrespective of their belief and differences. The person who desire wealth and opulence should worship and serve the cows.
The Cows Should Not Be Killed
The Cows Should Not Be Killed
The Vedas declare-
The cow is the mother of Rudras, sister of Adityas, and treasure of Nectarian ghee or Ghruta. Therefore I address to all those humans who are conscious and intelligent that do not kill the cows.
Thinking practically the cow being the provider of nutrition and health, is our mother and the bull, the plougher of the land helps us to sustain our economy is our father. Are the mothers and fathers killed just because they get old and economically unproductive?
In fact the cows are our good luck because the impart fortune and aid in our religious, political, agricultural, economical and medicinal works. therefore these cows should be protected and conserved for human development and sustenance.
The Vedic society conferred death sentence on the people who killed and slaughtered the cows or the cow families the bulls and oxen too.

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